Monday, December 13, 2010

how i came to love twilight and my reason for this blog :D

i feel in love with twilight a lot later then a lot of people. When the book first came out my friend at the time was reading it. I remember her so excited to go get the next book and i was astonished at all the people but yet i still wouldn't read it. I thought like a lot of other people it was dumb stupid book. she was always trying to get me to read it by say. "but its about this girl who falls for this vampire" i remember it so well i think i actually laughed i said come on that's dumb then she said and theirs werewolves and i was like now you need to stop she did stop bugging me to read but i never did. Are friend she has since then dissolved (  nothing to do with me not wanting to read twilight) but i remember the day i was watching the news and they said they were making a movie out i it i lol'ed it was beyond ridicules. The first movie came and went and  my sister started the omg mia you have to see this movie i said no repeatedly till i was at home one day it it was on tv it was nov 14 2009 about a week before new moon came out  i watched it three times that day lets just say my sister now regrets the day she told me to watch that movie because i have become obsessed :D and i wish i would have started reading the books when my friend had told me because the books are soo much better. now that's just a little about y im so obsessed and y i want to do this blog about the fanfics of twilight 

ok so here is how it will go im going to start a fanfic and i am going to try and finish my review in a week all depending on how long it is i will write what i think of the fisrt and last chapter you can deiced to read it if you like my reveiw or you are intrigued :D oh well here goes nothing

my project :D

 i have read many fan fictions in the last year and i have come to love alot and also hate alot. so every week im going to read and review a fan fiction ill let you no now they will prob all me twilght  :D i will leave a link to the story as well hope that some people will actully be reading this blog lol ive never done it befor so here goes nothing :D

if you are not familiar with what fantfiction is go to and search it up they have every thing from my favorite twilight to stuff like greys anatomy all written by the fans hence FAN fiction lol